Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Our dimension is defined as a series of adjacent segments of reality that together, and only together, form a continuum. like frames on a movie reel.
we live in a linear motion along with time. This dimension that we experience so vividly through is the very tip of the figurative iceberg. We experience the world through sensory input from the physical plane. The physical plane is a condensed manifestation of the higher planes which are made up of thought energy. It is very important that we note that these higher planes are just as real as everything that we experience physically. This is the psychic realm or the astral plane, the plane in which our mind's eye operates.  the higher planes are made up solely of thought...they exist solely as ideas, Concepts and intentions. what we experience in the physical realm is actually created by our higher selves, our thoughts condense from the divine source that is the  conscious energy of the universe into the physical plane which is the heaviest and slowest vibrating form of conscious thought.  we as humans have gained the ability to access higher frequencies and bring them down into the physical realm. we call this imagination. envisionment... and it has aided us in mastering our reality to a great degree.

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